Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

I'm a veteran, yet I feel less than equal to real Veteran's. Those who fought, are fighting, and those preparing to defend our country in lands of real chaos. My military experience was more like a civilian job. I was supporting real veteran's then, and I support the military now. stay safe.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Listening to Metallica S&M Concert. Something about this show stirs me. I was never a huge Metallica fan. Early on, 1988, I bought 'and justice for all' (is that the title?) and followed them from time to time. Somewhat turned off with the whole napster episode, however, they still ruled the world of heavy metal music. Caught their set at Woodstock 99. I've aged at the same time as them, I suppose that is my connection to them. My late teens, early twenties, ran parallel to their start and rise in the metal world.

As I sit here and listen to them performing with the San Francisco Symphony it is very cool how they have aged and not lost their bite. I relate to that. Wherever I may roam, wherever I lay my head is home...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tour de France, stage 10

Tour de France 2009, stage 10. Not real sure how I feel about no radio's. Seems like it's causing a bit of angst amongst the riders and teams. No real effect yet, just slow-going with information and food & drink exchanges. boring stage so far.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Triumphant Return of King Patrick

Seeing as how the whole 2008 Presidential campaign didn't end as well as I would have liked, I have decided to re-invent myself as Royalty. Prepare to meet the King. King Patrick.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Workouts: real or just a myth?

I'm starting to work out again. Weights, stretching, walking or running, thing like that.