Thursday, January 24, 2008

Change for Change Sake

Where were we in 1967? Are we there again? Or, did we never waiver from it? As a society we progress technologically while stagnating socially. Our fashion changes, but then doesn't. We are the same group of people we were when I was born.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's over...

Seeing as how Fred Thompson has dropped out of the race, and he was the ultimate Presidential write-in candidate, I have decided to withdraw my name from the Presidential election as a write-in candidate. Understandably, my ardent supporters are extremely disappointed with this decision. However, I'm quietly confident that most, if not all, will be able to re-gain prior employment positions held with such illustrious companies as Piggly Wiggly, Haircuts for Men, Big Lots, and Men's Warehouse. I will be losing the perks of discounted food, haircuts, useless crap, and suits. On the brighter side, now the great american novel will finally get written. Also, local officials have given me a deadline for removing all election materials from city poles and mailboxes, therefore, I'm asking anyone who actually gets out of their house to kindly remove any campaign signs you come across and discard them. Thank you. You'll be doing a public service while keeping me from getting a police citation.

It's been an incredible journey these past two weeks. Campaigning on this blog site and getting the word out about a different voice with a unique message. United States Presidential election campaigns are hard work, involving alot of people who have alot of time and money on their hands. Unfortunately, none of the people involved in my run for office had either. But, we had great times sitting around the campaign headquarters getting our message to the masses.

So, for now, that's it from Patrick 1967 central. Until, the 2012 Presidential campaign, when we come out fresh, stronger than ever. And hopefully with more dineros and volunteers than this time.

Patrick, Out of here...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day Four or Five

I'm fed up already on day four or five, whatever day it is. It seems infighting is the word of the day with a power struggle to control campaign finances and a lack of direction in message. Everybody wants to be a chief, nobody wants to be an indian. What this campaign needs are worker bees who will toe the line and jump off a bridge to accomplish the mission. Drones with a whisper in the ear conquering the ugly tasks of daily presidential campaign life. People who will not question the word of the most important person in an executive office conquest. The campaign finance manager.

Simply given the task of acquiring crayola markers, assistant campaign finance manager V., returns with crayola crayons and the smell of crappy lite beer on the breath. Did we command, "Go forth and return with crayola markers for the campaign signs?" Or did we say, "Take our campaign finance budget and return with crayola crayons, and by the way, blow the change on weak, watered down lite beer?" I think not. We are not weak in strength, like college sophmores. We are not so arrogant to believe our future constituents will not notice the difference between sharp, strong looking signs completed with marker, and those done with yukky wax crayons. Like a first grader.

No, we will project the image of an important 2008 United States Presidential election write-in candidate (please bring a pen with you, to the polls, ty.) We will maintain an organization capable of controlling a ten to twenty dollar campaign budget. We will stay on message. We will stay focused on the ills of our troubled neighborhood. And we will toe the line using drones who want the ugly assignments and drink full-bodied robust beers. We will be united in our quest for Pennsylvania Avenue. Thank you, and if you find $1.78 lying around this room, it's our's. Someone left the cashbox open again. Good Night!

Patrick 1967
2008 United States Presidential write-in candidate

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Campaign: Day 2

It's not going as well as I had planned. Haven't been able to get on any state ballots yet. Apparently you have to petition signatures in each state to be considered for an election. Who knew? That costs money, to buy someone's John Hancock, of which I have none. And I'm not so naive as to believe being nice will buy votes. Therefore, I am left with no other choice than to continue with the write-in campaign. And while we're on the subject it also costs money to advertise. What happened to equal time from the networks for Presidential candidates. So without billboards, stickers, buttons, and face-time on Meet the Press, I'm left with my daughters crayons and markers for election posters. Look for them around town.

Patrick 1967
Future two-term United States President

P.S. John Hancock has to be the funniest name of all time. A John and a c#@k in the same name. "That'll be twenty dollars buddy." Who knew?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Presidential Campaign

I am officially declaring my candidacy for President of the United States of America.
Please vote for me. Of course, you'll have to write my name on the ballot. Bring a pen with you.

Get out and vote!
Thank you,

Patrick, your next two-term U.S. President!