Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Campaign: Day 2

It's not going as well as I had planned. Haven't been able to get on any state ballots yet. Apparently you have to petition signatures in each state to be considered for an election. Who knew? That costs money, to buy someone's John Hancock, of which I have none. And I'm not so naive as to believe being nice will buy votes. Therefore, I am left with no other choice than to continue with the write-in campaign. And while we're on the subject it also costs money to advertise. What happened to equal time from the networks for Presidential candidates. So without billboards, stickers, buttons, and face-time on Meet the Press, I'm left with my daughters crayons and markers for election posters. Look for them around town.

Patrick 1967
Future two-term United States President

P.S. John Hancock has to be the funniest name of all time. A John and a c#@k in the same name. "That'll be twenty dollars buddy." Who knew?

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